Early American Musical Clocks Article In The Magazine Antiques

Musical article
The very interesting article by Gary Sullivan and Kate Van Winkle Keller has recently appeared in The Magazine Antiques in the September/October 2013 issue.  It highlights the important study that the two authors are conducting as they document all known American musical clocks made prior to 1830.  These fascinating clocks are masterpieces of both furniture and timekeeping.  At the same time, they are a cultural time capsule that play music that offers more than a glimpse of 18th and early 19th Century culture and tastes.

The Magazine Antiques Article

This important article written by Gary Sullivan and Brock Jobe reveals the identity of two of Plymouth county's fine cabinetmakers. The idiosyncrasies of their antique furniture have long been known, but until recently their identities were lost to history. This article was published in The Magazine Antiques in May of 2009 and followed closely the release of the text “Harbor & Home”, that was co-authored by Gary and Brock. These important discoveries were the end result of the comprehensive research performed for “Harbor & Home”.

Simon Willard Antique Lighthouse Clocks Project

Mr. Sullivan is assisting independent scholar Mr. Paul J. Foley in his latest undertaking, to publish a history, catalog and guide of Simon Willard's antique lighthouse clocks. In conjunction with The Willard House and Clock Museum in North Grafton, Massachusetts, Gary is helping to locate privately held antique lighthouse clocks made by Simon Willard. In 2002, Mr. Foley published a very highly regarded, comprehensive guide to Simon Willard's antique patent time pieces.
Willard House & Clock Museum, North Grafton, Mass
Information relating to, and examples of these antique clocks are being sought for an upcoming publication devoted to this important form. In addition to those clocks which were included in the museum's recent exhibition of Willard lighthouse clocks, the author wishes to include all known examples of these masterpieces.

Paul Foley's Guide to Antique Patent Time Pieces

Paul Foley's Guide to Willard's Patent Time Pieces
An essential reference for any student collector or dealer in early American clocks, furniture, antiques, or decoratvie arts. Written by the recognized expert on patent timepieces. Over 650 illustrations, 1000 detailed biographical listings and allied craftsman. The most comprehensive, accurate and up to date listing of early 19th Century New England pre-industrial clockmakers. A fantastic guide that should be in every library.

Article on Dwarf Clocks in Antiques & Fine Art Magazine

Article on antique dwarf clocks by Gary Sullivan in Antiques and Fine Art
This article on Southeastern Massachusetts antique dwarf clocks appeared in Antiques & Fine Art 9th Anniversary issue in the Winter of 2009. It discusses the rare dwarf clock form that was produced in Southeastern Massachusetts. The article is the result of the research Gary conducted for the text he co-authored "Harbor & Home". It describes the origins, makers and forms of the fascinating clocks.

Important Discovery

Simon Willard Family Record and Memorial
Simon Willard Family Record and Memorial
Boston circa 1810-24 - Watercolor, Pen & Ink on paper board
This historically significant memorial was recently acquired by Mr. Sullivan. He has donated a photo realistic reproduction of the document for public display at the Willard House & Clock Museum, North Grafton, Mass. This Classically rendered watercolor memorial illustrates the family of celebrated clock maker Simon Willard of Roxbury, Massachusetts. Perhaps the best known of all American clock makers, Simon Willard was an innovator who changed the course of clock making with a number of major improvements such as the patent timepiece commonly referred to as the "Banjo Clock".
The memorial illustrates the names and birth dates of Simon, his wife Mary and their eleven children. Included are two memorials to daughter Julia in 1799 and eldest son Thomas in 1810. Therefore the record would a have been created after 1810 but prior to 1823, the year that his wife Mary died. Although official records of Willard family genealogy are known, it is extraordinary to have discovered the personal record owned by the Willard household.

Phillip Morris Jr's American Wooden Movement tall clocks

Phillip Morris Jr's American Wooden Movement tall clocks
Authored by Philip E. Morris Jr., a widely recognized authority on wooden antique tall clocks, American Wooden Movement Tall Clocks: 1712-1835 is an essential reference book for collectors, dealers or students of early American clocks, furniture, antiques or decorative arts. Lavishly illustrated and meticulously researched, this volume is the most comprehensive, accurate and up to date compilation of early 18th and 19th century wooden clockmakers and their clocks available.
Gary R. Sullivan Antiques Inc. buys, sells and brokers fine and rare examples of antique clocks and early American furniture, including fine antique tall case clocks, banjo clocks, and dwarf clocks.
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