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Antique Clocks
Banjo Clocks
Leonard Noyes Banjo Clock (Nashua, NH)
Simon Willard Banjo Clock (Roxbury, Mass.)
Walter Durfee Banjo Clock (Providence, RI)
Joseph Dyar Banjo Clock (Concord, Mass.)
Simon Willard Banjo Clock (Roxbury, Mass.) 2
Joshua Wilder Banjo Clock (Hingham, Mass.)
Classical Banjo Box Lyre Clock (Boston, Mass.)
Reuben Tower Banjo Clock (Hingham, Mass.)
Aaron Willard Jr. Banjo Clock (Boston, Mass.)
Simon Willard Banjo Clock (Roxbury, Mass.) 3
Simon Willard Banjo Clock (Roxbury, Mass.) 4
Abiel Chandler Lyre Clock (Concord, NH)
Simon Willard & Son Banjo Clock (Roxbury, Mass.)
Daniel Munroe Banjo Clock (Concord, Mass.)
Simon Willard Banjo Clock (Roxbury, Mass.) 5
Bracket Clocks
Effingham Embree Bracket Clock (New York City, NY)
John Crowley Bracket Clock (Philadelphia, PA)
Griffith Owen Bracket Clock (Philadelphia, PA)
Dwarf Clocks
Benjamin Torrey Dwarf Clock (Hanover, Mass.)
Joshua Wilder Dwarf Clock (Hingham, Mass.)
Joshua Wilder Dwarf Clock (Hingham, Mass.) 2
Joshua Wilder Dwarf Clock (Hingham, Mass.) 3
John Bailey Jr. Dwarf Clock (Hanover, Mass.)
Calvin Bailey Dwarf Clock (Hanover, Mass.)
John Gains Dwarf Clock (Portsmouth, NH)
Grafton Wall Clocks
Aaron Willard Grafton Wall Clock (Grafton, Mass.)
Simon Willard Grafton Wall Clock (Grafton, Mass.)
Lighthouse Clocks
Simon Willard & Son Lighthouse Clock (Roxbury, Mass.)
Simon Willard Lighthouse Clock (Roxbury, Mass.)
Simon Willard Lighthouse Clock (Roxbury, Mass.) 2
Simon Willard & Son Lighthouse Clock (Roxbury, Mass.) 2
Shelf Clocks
Daniel Munroe, Concord, Mass Shelf Clock
Caleb Leach Brass Dial Shelf Clock (Plymouth, Mass.)
David Wood Shelf Clock (Newburyport, Mass.)
Elnathan Taber Shelf Clock (Roxbury, Mass.)
Zacharie Raingo Shelf Clock (Paris, France)
Ezekiel Jones Shelf Clock (Boston, Mass.)
French Classical Shelf Clock (Lépine, Paris)
David Evans Shelf Clock (London, England)
Tall Clocks
Chester County Tiger Maple Tall Clock (Rockville, PA)
William King Tall Clock (Medford, Mass)
The Coney Family Chippendale Tall Clock (Stoughton, MA)
William Mitchell Classical Tall Clock (Richmond,VA)
Martin Shreiner Tall Clock No. 181 (Lancaster, PA)
Edward Duffield Tall Clock (Philadelphia, PA)
Elnathan Taber Tall Clock (Roxbury, Mass.)
Simon Willard Tall Clock (Roxbury, Mass.)
Aaron Willard Jr. Tall Clock (Boston, Mass.)
Simeon Jocelyn Tall Clock (New Haven, Connecticut)
Simon Willard Tall Clock (Roxbury, Mass.) 2
Pennsylvania Chippendale Quarter Chiming Tall Clock (Philadelphia, PA)
Aaron Willard Tall Clock (Boston, Mass.)
William McCabe Roxbury Tall Clock (Richmond, VA)
Roxbury Style Tall Clock (Southeastern, Mass.)
Elnathan Taber Grandfather Clock (Roxbury, Mass.)
John Hall dated tall clock (New Brunswick, NJ)
John Osgood Grandfather Clock (Haverhill, NH)
Caleb Wheaton and Son Tall Clock (Providence, RI)
Thomas Stretch Tall Case Clock (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Daniel Burnap Musical Tall Clock (East Windsor, CT)
Daniel Porter Musical Tall Clock (Williamstown, MA)
James Perrigo, Jr. Tall Clock (Wrentham, MA)
Simon Willard Tall Clock (Roxbury, Mass.) 3
Nathaniel Dominy Tall Clock (East Hampton, Long Island)
Aaron Willard Tall Clock (Boston, Mass.) 2
Joshua Wilder Grandmother Clock (Hingham, Mass.)
John Bailey Jr. Tall Clock (Hanover, Mass.)
Simon Willard Tall Clock (Roxbury, Mass.) 4
John Fessler Tall Clock (Fredericktown, MD)
Josiah Gooding Tall Clock (Bristol, RI)
Aaron Lane Tall Clock (Elizabethtown, NJ)
Frederic Wingate Tall Clock (Augusta, ME)
Simon Willard Grandfather Clock (Roxbury, Mass.) 2
Aaron Willard Tall Clock (Boston, Mass.) 3
Paul Rogers Tall Clock (Berwick, ME)
William Cummens Tall Clock (Roxbury, Mass.)
James C. Cole Tall Clock (Rochester, NH)
Walter Cornell Tall Clock (Newport, RI)
John Bailey II Tall Case Clock (Hanover, Mass.)
Aaron Willard Jr., Grandfather Clock (Boston, Mass.)
Allen Kelley Tall Case Clock (Provincetown, Mass.)
Aaron Willard Tall Clock (Boston, Mass.) 4
Joshua Wilder Tall Case Clock (Hingham, Mass.)
Aaron Willard Jr. Tall Clock (Boston, Mass.) 2
John Eberman Jr. Tall Clock (Lancaster, PA)
Wood & Taylor Tall Clock (Florida, NY)
Thomas Claggett Tall Clock (Newport, RI)
William Cummens Tall Case Clock (Roxbury, Mass.)
James C. Cole Tall Clock (Rochester, NH) 2
Simon Willard Grandfather Clock (Roxbury, Mass.) 3
Nicholas Blasdel Tall Clock (Amesbury, Mass.)
Stephen Taber Tall Clock (New Bedford, Mass.)
Allen Kelley Tall Clock (Falmouth, Mass.)
James Doull Tall Clock (Charlestown, Mass.)
Simon Willard Grandfather Clock (Roxbury, Mass.)
Gawen Brown Tall Clock (Boston, Mass.)
Frederic Wingate Tall Case Clock (Augusta, ME)
Charles Babbitt Tall Clock (Taunton, Mass.)
Samuel Breneisen Tall Clock (Reading, PA)
James Cary Jr. Tall Clock (Brunswick, ME)
William J. Leslie Tall Clock (Trenton, NJ)
Aaron Willard Tall Case Clock (Boston, Mass.)
Samuel Ranlet Tall Clock (Monmouth, ME)
James Perrigo, Jr. Tall Clock (Wrentham, Mass.)
Gawen Brown Tall Case Clock (Boston, Mass.)
Aaron Willard Jr. Tall Clock (Boston, Mass.) 3
Aaron Willard Tall Case Clock (Boston, Mass.) 2
Joseph Sylvester Tall Clock (Coxsackie, NY)
Aaron Willard Tall Case Clock (Boston, Mass.) 3
Silas Howell Musical Tall Clock (New Brunswick, NJ)
Tavern Clocks
Joseph Nye Dunning Tavern Clock (Burlington, VT)
Other Clocks
French Classical ormolu clock garniture, circa 1810
Miniature Folk Art Clock (New Bedford, Mass.)
Daniel Munroe & Co. Diamond Head Clock (Concord, Mass.)
Simon Willard Patent Time Piece (Roxbury, Mass.)
Simon Willard Patent Time Piece (Roxbury, Mass.) 2
Leonard Noyes Mirror Clock (Nashua, NH)
Simon Willard Patent Time Piece (Roxbury, Mass.) 3
Antique Furniture
6 Chippendale mahogany dining chairs, (Newport, RI)
8 Chippendale mahogany dining chairs, (Irish)
Queen Anne corner chair (Newport, RI)
Chippendale walnut corner chair, (New York, NY)
Chippendale corner chair, (Boston, MA)
Chippendale corner chair (Boston, MA) 2
Set of 16 Regency mahogany dining chairs
Federal inlaid lolling chair, MA or NH circa 1815
Pair of early Chippendale dining chairs, Boston, Mass
Hepplewhite Dining Chairs, Newport, RI
Queen Anne Armchair, Philadelphia, PA
Chippendale wing chair, Boston, Mass
Churchill Lolling Chair, Boston, Mass
Barrel Back Easy Chair, Philadelphia, PA
Federal Easy Chair, Eastern, Mass
Sheraton Wing Chair, Southern, NH
Queen Anne Slipper Chair, Boston, Mass
Queen Anne Wing Chair, Newport, RI
Pair of Chippendale Dining Chairs, Newport, RI
Pair of Easy Chairs, Coastal, Mass
Chippendale tiger maple tall chest (Rhode Island)
Queen Anne cherry highboy (Rhode Island)
William & Mary walnut highboy (Newport, Rhode Island)
Queen Anne walnut highboy (Boston, Mass)
Gostelowe Chippendale chest (Philadelphia, PA)
Dunlap school chest on chest on frame (Manchester, NH)
Chippendale Chapin school chest (Colchester, CT)
Chippendale style shell carved chest (Colchester, CT)
Chippendale Block Front Chest (Boston, Mass)
Chippendale walnut bachelor's chest (Philadelphia, PA)
Federal tiger maple inlaid chest, NH
Queen Anne high chest (Boston, Massachusetts)
Chippendale Tiger maple tall chest (Rhode Island) 2
Townsend Chest-on-chest (Newport, Rhode Island)
Chippendale Block Front Chest, Boston, Mass
Empire Miniature Chest of Drawers, American circa 1840
Elisha Cushing high chest, Hingham, Mass
Queen Anne Tiger Maple Highboy, Southern NH
Chippendale High Chest, Hingham, Mass
Chippendale Chest On Chest, Norwich, CT
Chippendale Oxbow Chest of Drawers, North Shore, Mass
Chippendale Chest of Drawers, Salem, Mass
Federal Inlaid Chest, Weymouth, Mass
Chippendale Lowboy, Salem, Mass
Block Front Chest of Drawers, Boston, Mass
Chippendale Chest of Drawers, Boston, Mass
Queen Anne Lowboy, Newport, RI
Queen Anne High Chest, Southern NH
Chippendale Chest On Chest, Eastern, Ct Or RI
Chippendale Serpentine Chest of Drawers, Newport, RI
Chippendale Serpentine Chest, Boston, Mass
Chippendale Block Front Chest, Boston, Mass 2
Chippendale Oxbow Chest of Drawers, Coastal, Mass
Chippendale Serpentine Chest, Boston, MA
Chippendale Oxbow Chest, Boston, Mass
Twelve Panel Chest, Portsmouth, NH
Thirteen Panel Chest of Drawers, Portsmouth, NH
Appleton Sheraton Bureau, Salem, Mass
Cupboards, Sideboards and Servers
Classical mahogany server, (New York, NY)
Seymour Federal mahogany sideboard (Boston, Mass)
Chippendale carved cupboard, circa 1760-80
Federal Inlaid Sideboard, New York, NY
Federal inlaid sideboard, Newport, RI
William Hook Server, Salem, Mass
Sheraton Antique Server, Salem, Mass
Federal Inlaid Sideboard, New York, NY 2
Chippendale shell carved desk (Colchester, CT)
Federal mahogany inlaid desk (Flowertown, PA)
William and Mary desk and bookcase (Providence, RI)
Federal desk and bookcase (Annapolis, Maryland)
Appleton Chippendale desk and bookcase, (Salem, Mass)
Seymour Federal Secretary Desk, Boston, Mass
Sheraton Desk & Bookcase, Coastal, Maine
Federal Inlaid Secretary Desk, Southeastern, Mass
Inlaid Tambour Desk, Boston, Mass
Federal Desk & Bookcase, Portland, Maine
Federal Desk & Bookcase, Boston, Mass
Federal Desk & Bookcase, Salem, Mass
Chippendale Cherry Slant Front Desk, Providence, RI
Slant Lid Desk, Cabbagetown, NJ
Tables and Stands
Chippendale Drop Leaf Dining Table, (Newport RI)
Sheraton McIntire work table (Salem, Mass)
Federal Inlaid card table, (Boston, circa 1790)
Queen Anne tray top tea table, (Boston, Mass)
Queen Anne dressing table, Philadelphia, circa 1725-40
William Hook Sewing table, (Salem, Mass)
Duncan Phyfe Classical Sewing table, (New York, NY)
Queen Anne marble top pier table, Boston, circa 1740-60
Chippendale dressing table, Philadelphia, circa 1760-80
William Hook Federal dressing table, (Salem, Mass)
Sheraton mahogany work table (Massachusetts)
Sheraton McIntire work table (Salem, Mass) 2
Queen Anne Walnut Candle Stand, (Philadelphia, PA)
Hepplewhite Candle Stand, Eastern, Mass
Duncan Phyfe candle stand, New York, circa 1820
Classical candle stand, New York, NY, circa 1820
Queen Anne drop leaf table, Boston, circa 1760
Queen Anne candlestand, North Shore, Mass, circa 1780
Sheraton McIntire work table, Salem, Mass, circa 1815
Chippendale tilt top tea table, circa 1770
A Pair of Federal games table, Boston, circa 1790
Federal Games Table, RI or Southeastern Mass
Federal inlaid Pembroke table, NY, circa 1790
Chippendale games table, Newport, RI
Queen Anne candle stand, Connecticut River Valley
Queen Anne Games Table, Newport, RI
Early Queen Anne dressing table, Boston 1725-40
Sheraton Work Table, New Bedford, Mass
Sheraton Card Table, Coastal, NH
Queen Anne Tray Top Tea Table, Newport, RI
Seymour Work Table, Boston, Mass
Seymour Games Table, Boston, Mass
Queen Anne Games Table, Boston, Mass
Queen Anne Tap Table,Westport, Mass
Sheraton Hat Stand, Coastal New England
Queen Anne Candle Stand, Newport, RI
Federal Candle Stand, Salem, Mass
Chippendale Drop Leaf Dining Table, Newport RI
Chippendale games table, Newport, RI 2
Serpentine Federal Games Table, Boston, Mass
Federal Games Table, Coastal, Mass
Hepplewhite Candle Stand, Boston, Mass
Pair of Classical Games Tables, Boston, Mass
Sheraton Basin Stand, Boston, Mass
Chippendale Tea Table, Philadelphia, PA
Sheraton Dumb Waiter, New England
Federal Card Table, Salem, Mass
Vose Classical Library Table, Boston, Mass
Classical Card Table, Boston, Mass
Chippendale demi-lune games table, Newport, RI
Queen Anne drop leaf table, Boston, Mass
Sheraton Games Table, Salem, Mass
McIntire Games Table, Salem, Mass
Goddard-Townsend Tea Table, Newport, RI
Porringer Top Tea Table, Southeastern, Mass
Chippendale Pie-Crust Candle Stand, New York, NY
Pair of Classical Games Tables, Boston, Mass 2
Queen Anne Dressing Table, Eastern, Mass
Classical Card Table, Philadelphia, PA
Chippendale Drop Leaf Table, Salem, Mass
Pair of Pembroke Drop Leaf Tables, New York, NY
Pair of Games Tables, New York, NY
Duncan Phyfe Classical mahogany window bench (New York)
Rococo Giltwood Wall Mirror in the manner of Thomas Johnson (Philadelphia, PA)
Chippendale gilt carved mirror (American)
Federal gilt and inlaid mirror (New York)
Empire Miniature Chest of Drawers, American circa 1840
Labeled Federal Mirror, Charlestown, Mass
Chinoiserie Inkstand, French Louis XVI
Large Federal firescreen, circa 1810
Labeled Federal Mirror, Charlestown, Mass 2
Federal Looking Glass, New York, NY
Commemorative Silver Tray, New York & Boston
Georgian Mirror, English Rococo
Federal giltwood mirror decorated with a Classical scene
Gesso Mounted Mirror, New York, NY
Labeled Federal Mirror, Boston, Mass
Labeled Federal Mirror, Hartford, CT
Daniel King Andirons, Philadelphia, PA
Queen Anne Candlesticks, English Or American
Classical Girandole Mirror, American or British
Miniature Chest, American Empire
Labeled Federal Mirror, Portland, ME
Federal Inlaid Box, New York, NY
Labeled Foot Stool, Winchendon, Mass
McIntire Fire Bellows, Salem, Mass
Folk Art Portrait, Providence, RI
Early Walnut Mirror, American Queen Anne
Rococo Giltwood Wall Mirror in the manner of Thomas Johnson (Philadelphia, PA) 2
Chippendale gilt carved mirror (American) 2
Federal gilt and inlaid mirror (New York) 2
Lannuier Cheval Mirror, New York, NY
Chippendale Pole Screen, American Or British
Other Antique Furniture
McIntire Bedstead, Salem, Mass
Federal Inlaid Sofa, New York, NY
Classical Recliner, Boston, Mass
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Early American Clock Styles
Antique Grandfather Clocks
Banjo Clocks
Lighthouse Clocks
Dwarf Clocks
Bracket Clocks
Mass. Shelf Clocks
Grafton Wall Clocks
Tavern Clocks
Mirror Clocks
Early American Clockmakers
Simon Willard
Aaron Willard
Joshua Wilder
John Bailey II
Reuben Tower
Tall Case Clock Terminology
Banjo Clock Terminology
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